
Read ProteinLynx, OpenLynx and MetaboLynx report files.

Several MassLynx output files can be read independently of MassLynx Sample Lists OpenLynx Batch files. OpenLynx Report files. MetaboLynx Report files. ProteinLynx Report files.

Export quantify data to LIMS systems.

Quantification results can be written to a text file for use with LIMS. The generated file will consist of three areas; the Header Section , the Samples Section and the Calibration section. Quantification results can also be written to a .XML file.

Import data from Excel, Access and Notepad.

There are 3 ways of importing data into a sample, copying and pasting data (from text editors, access and Excel), using the MassLynx “Import Worksheet” command and using the MassLynx “Import Data” command.

Use the Datafile Access Component to access information held in Masslynx .RAW files.

The MassLynx Datafile Access Component (DAC) is a suite of Visual C++ Active Template Library (ATL) classes which allows relatively simple access to the MassLynx raw data files. Access to these objects can be via Visual C++ or Visual Basic.


AutoLynx is an application that enables batches to be submitted to the MassLynx queue for automatic acquisition, processing and report generation. Applications can be written to take information from other software packages (e.g. LIMS systems) and automatically create OpenLynx Batch Files. Add these batch files to the AutoLynx queue. AutoLynx will add them to the MassLynx queue and perform the processing defined in the AutoLynx settings dialogue. Monitor the progress of a batch file. Automatically read the acquired data, or processed results, for further processing and/or exporting into other software packages.

Perform data conversion wth DataBridge

DataBridge allows data to be imported into MassLynx from other sources. This can be LAB-BASE data, ASCII data, PDP11 data, OPUS Data or data which is in the NetCDF format. NetCDF is the common data format for mass spectral data specified by the American Instrumentation Association (AIA). NetCDF allows interchange of mass spectral data from different manufacturer's instruments. DataBridge will convert any non-library data in NetCDF format to MassLynx format for analysis with the MassLynx software.